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A Lifetime of Creativity

I am a data professional with over four years of experience in data analysis, data wrangling, and presentation. I explore data, technologies, and the application of mathematical techniques to enable business insights.
When I am not collecting, analysing, and interpreting data, I am usually traveling the world, reading a book, or trying new cuisine. Throughout my career, I’ve had the great fortune to work on some truly inspiring projects, while meeting many influential and creative individuals along the way. I believe in working together to create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. If you want to talk about anything related to data, numbers or cats - don't be shy to have a talk!

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Data & Projects


Retail Store Analysis

With the retail market getting more and more competitive by the day, there has never been anything more important than the ability for optimizing service business processes when trying to satisfy the expectations of customers. Channelizing and managing data with the aim of working in favor of the customer as well as generating profits is very significant for survival.



The Cloudera Data Science Challenge 2 (in 2014) involved detecting anomalies in the United States Medicare insurance system. Finding anomalous patients, procedures, providers, and regions in the competition’s large, complex, and intertwined data sets required industrial-strength tools for data wrangling and machine learning.


Cabs Data EDA

Oolala, a cab aggregator service, has a problem statement which they want you to validate and provide an explanation backed by numbers. It is observed and reported that customers are not able to find cabs to go to the Airport as drivers are cancelling airport trips. They want to investigate if this is indeed true.

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